24 Jul 2016

DMCC named Top Investment Agency

DMCC is named a Top Investment Agency for Africa and the Middle East for 2016 by Site Selection Magazine, published by Conway. This ranking appeared in the 2016 Best to Invest Report, which was published in May 2016 as a part of the magazine.


The rankings were voted on by a group of select international site consultants and corporate members of the board for the Global FDI Association, as well as Site Selection editorial staff.

Criteria on which each Investment Promotion Agency was judged included:

  • Most professionally responsive to inquiries;
  • Staff possessing the best knowledge and language diversity;
  • Offering access to user-friendly databases of sites and incentives (general and sector-specific);
  • Readily available information on timing expectations of permitting and other processes;
  • Access to recent investors in the region who can vouch for the area and agency;
  • Best reputation for protecting investor confidentiality;
  • Reputation for after-care services;
  • IPA's Web site: easy to navigate, offer a wide breadth of data, and have the cleanest, most efficient design.

To view the digital edition of the magazine click here


About Site Selection Magazine:

Site Selection magazine delivers global location intelligence to senior executives charged with managing expanding facility portfolios worldwide. They are the information bridge between the buy side (corporate real estate executives) and the sell side (the economic development world). The magazine’s analysis and rankings are objective and data-driven, based largely on project data resident in their proprietary Conway Project Database, making it the most authoritative source of such analysis available. Their award-winning writers and editors exercise the highest journalistic and ethical standards, which is why CEOs, governors and world leaders trust Site Selection more than any industry publication to tell the real story of the fast changing economic development landscape.


About Conway:

Conway provides the world’s most comprehensive offering of services related to domestic and cross-border corporate investment. Their integrated services meet the needs of government agencies seeking to attract investment as well as companies planning international expansion.

Conway’s network of corporate decision-makers invests more than $300 billion each year in new facilities, offices and sites. Conway’s full spectrum of services and relationships with corporate decision-makers around the world facilitates government attraction of foreign and domestic direct investment.

Read 1915 times Last modified on Oct 12 , 2017